Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Paper Books Are A Thing Of The Past

As they say, history is set in stone. Well, more on paper to be precise. Books have been our primary means to recording historical events, be it a revolution that shook the pillars of antiquity, or just bringing to life a fantasy in an author’s head. Books are the key milestone in our evolution. So, naturally, as we evolve, so does our books. In our new high-tech society paper books are no longer versatile enough to serve us. Disadvantages such as needing a bed lamp to read at night, or the wear and tear of the pages after but a few reads make paperbacks more a nuisance than a pleasure. So therefore, we upgrade. Now, we have e-book readers. Portable devices that can plug directly to your computer, allow you to download thousands of books and store them all in the same place. They come with backlit displays for night reading, and a reflection-free screen for day reading. They can also hold your place in the chapter and flip to a particular page within a second. Many e-book readers such as the Amazon Kindle are even capable of keeping your books saved in storage on the internet, so no matter what happens; you will never lose your books. As an ironic twist in fate, it seems books today have now become history themselves.

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